Categories: Science

How to Increase Brain Power Without Using Any Pills?

Who doesn’t want more control over their brain? Imagine. How successful you can become with improved brain power, increased focus, and malicious attention to details.

From organizing a corporate event to crunching numbers and copy-writing for the web, everything demands brain power. Without enough brain power, you cannot succeed or sustain your position in this competitive world.

In every situation, you require focus, dedication, and even problem-solving. With brain power, you can tackle these situations faster and come up with mind-blowing solutions that can help you earn a good deal of money.

The good news is that there are a ton of ways in which you can boost your brain power without taking any pills or drugs. Yes. You too can act, feel, and impress your friends like Lucy.

Let’s explore some ways to elevate your brain power and make your life somewhat more comfortable

When in Doubt, Sleep!

You might have heard the term, ‘sleep over it’ The statement is true. In a study done by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the experiment concluded that sleep clears the mind.  Dr. Maiken Nedergaard and her colleagues found that sleep is essential to create strong memories. A restorative function in the brain allows the brain to switch between the conscious and subconscious state and while doing so, come up with innovate ideas.

Researchers still don’t know what happens in the brain in sleep, but one thing is for sure, when humans sleep, they wake up with improved brain power and better problem-solving skills. Lights out!

Eat Some Nuts

A research by Tsinghua University in Beijing and MIT proved that adding magnesium to your daily diet can help you to boost your brain power. Magnesium miraculously helps the brain create new connections between the brain cells.

A handful of nuts, almonds, or cashews after breakfast might not seem much, but they will boost your brain power to about 25%.

Meditate a lot

The world is full of information. In one minute, there are millions of things happening across the globe. With so much information, it is impossible to focus on everything, let alone remember them.

Whenever new information arrives, the brain stores it in the short term memory, with some practice, repetition, or emotional connection, this information is moved to long-term memory. For that, the brain demands silence and peace. In a busy life, it’s quite difficult to attain peace, which is why meditation can help.

In a detailed study by the University of Rochester, regular deep breathing found improving brain power. A charged brain can memorize things faster and focus on tiny details which the normal brain ignores.

In life, when you want to take a tough decision, instead of just announcing the results, take a break, go for a walk, meditate, or do yoga.

Visualize Your Future

Although some people find it crazy to imagine things in the future, visualizing help in improving concentration at a deeper level. Sportsman is seen visualizing and practicing each move right before a big game in their minds.

Are you feeling stressed out for a meeting tomorrow? Visualize and shut that fear up. A brain doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination. So, when you visualize a positive future, the brain takes it as reality and reduce the amount of stress that you feel at that moment.

That is why it is advised to visualize before giving a memorable speech in a room full of people. Every great statement that you see – that flawless speech is imagined a thousand times before presenting it to the real audience.

When you visualize, you reduce stress, establish a strong bond between mind and body, and act more creatively in your day to day life.

Thinking Positively

Thinking good thoughts not only de-stress your brain, but it also improves your brain power to an exponential length. Every day take out some time to think of all the positive things that happened throughout the day. Even when you had a bad day, ignore everything negative and think of everything that went right.

Infect being positive will allow you to be more thankful for the gifts by GOD. Gratitude alone can bring wonders in your life and at the same time, strengthen your brain power.

Crossword Puzzles Can Help

Everything deteriorates as you use it. However, brain power increases the more you use it. Solving crossword puzzles allow your brain to make new connections and think creatively. You are challenging the brain to take an original path and think of something out of the ordinary.

Many apps can help you improve your brain power. Do the crossword puzzles with your colleagues at work or your friends at home. Moreover, remember the more you use your brain, the better it will get with time.

To conclude it all. The more you use your brain in activities that involve thinking, the greater good you do to yourself.